Critters in the Dusk
So we were walking around the neighborhood at dusk, and there are these areas where the trail that people are allowed to drive golf carts...

Wonderful News!
Well I have a piece of wonderful news… I have been asked to illustrate a children’s book! I’m so stinkin’ excited, y’all! I’m beaming! I...
Wild Ride at the Dekalb County Courthouse
It was an honest mistake. I nearly always stay within five miles of the speed limit, but I came around a wide curve off a 45 mph road...

A Road Trip With My Good Lil Road Trip Buddy!
It was mostly great times with great old friends, but holy cow, am I in much worse shape than I have been any of the other times I have...

Mother's Day March for Choice - May 8, 2022
On Mother's Day, Sunday, May 8th, 2022, the Dekalb County Democrats planned a peaceful march in protest of the far-right extremists who...
Roe v. Wade
If you vote Republican, please read this. I am begging you to just read what I’ve written here. It’s not copied and pasted, and it is...
I Am NOT a Crypto Bro. However...
People [who don’t live in New York] should really get on Coinbase and sign up for Coinbase Earn. They give you $1-3 in free...

Hating Kids Isn't a Personality
The fact is that children are the future and this is an indisputable fact of life. Babies in Pampers are the younger adults you’ll have...

It's Just An Update.
Well, I keep hoping I’m BACK, but it’s beginning to seem like I’ll only ever be about ten percent here at all. It's been over a year and...

18 Years / 4 ½ Weeks
This is not another 9/11 post. Not really. This post is about today. I have to confess I'm having a really hard time this morning. Y