Eldritch Jolene; or, On This Day One Year Ago
So, this is the part where I confess my love for Facebook's "Your Memories" feature, where it regurgitates something you posted on this...

Borderline Personality Disorder
I'd like to preface this by saying that I've never seen the show "Workin' Moms" - and judging by this I probably will not - but this...

Invisible Illness
I had to share this from Facebook. It’s seeing things like this that makes me feel 100% certain that I’m definitely not imagining it....

Reasons to Be, Reasons to Do
We all need them. So, as you can probably tell, I've started a blog. Or rather, I've started to use the one I had. And who am I? Well,...

Open Letter Concerning My Abusive Ex-Boyfriend
This is not what this blog is for, but I need to put this out there, and he got me banned from Facebook for simply describing my abuse...

Coming Up Violets Coming To an Art Fair Near You...
...if Gowanus, Brooklyn is near you, that is. I will be peddling my wares in person at the Gemini & Scorpio Goldmine pop-up market...

January is Awful, So I'm Having a Contest
Hello, that’s right, a contest! Please share this post far and wide because while I want tens and hundreds of people to enter my...

A New Site Design
Looking forward to getting to blogging on my new website design!