Tomorrow - Saturday Sketch & Chat at the shop!
Tomorrow (Saturday February 1) : Weekly Sketch & Chat Meetup
Every Saturday from 1-3 pm Central time at the Coming Up Violets shop/gallery/studio in Mentone’s Moon Lake Village, 5866 E. River Rd., Mentone, AL.
An informal, drop-in get-together for everyone from absolute beginners to seasoned pros to hang out, work on your art, chat and get advice inspiration from others. Ages 13+, or 11+ if accompanying a parent who is participating. Feel free to come every week or just drop in some weeks.
Come as you are, just bring your supplies and an open mind. We will provide water, tea, some basic backup supplies, and lots of reference books for folks to look at! Feel free to bring lunch or any snacks you may want, and there is a cajun restaurant next door if folks want to pick up food there!
RSVPs are helpful but absolutely not necessary.Price: FREE, totally voluntary donations appreciated but not required (there’ll be a jar folks can put a few bucks in if they’re able)
Located in Mentone’s Moon Lake Village, 5866 E. River Road, Mentone AL 35984. Parking lot is located behind the Moon Lake Baptist Church as you come from Hwy 117. Once you park, take the path marked with a signpost that runs down the left side of the main building, then turn right. We are under the breezeway across from the Faith & Mustard Seed shop.
Please feel free to suggest better times if the time selected doesn’t work for you - if enough folks prefer a different day and time, I’ll change it!